18 January 2006

tallinn at 10 am, the snow reflects the minimal light making it almost bright out! almost. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello there trudee Hill.
What an interesting name. I googled your site and was actually looking for Mikko Seppa. I´m a friend of his from Iceland and my name is Bjarni. I met him in London in the year 2001 or 2002. I´m actually writing here because I´m looking for Mikko. The thing is that I´m going to Finland and I know that once in a while he goes over there... so I was wondering if either you could give me his contact info or could give him mine? It is: Bjarni from Iceland. bjarnisnae@lhi.is, mobile: +354-661-2156. I would really apreciate it. It's good to see that Mikko has his own collection now, I read it on your blog. Your jewels looked really good, too. Take care, Bjarni.

11:27 PM


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