05 June 2006


senior year of college, my bedroom was windowless. that might drive some people crazy but i was in heaven. any time, day or night, my bedroom could be pitch black like a cave. no matter when i got to bed i could get a full night's sleep without the sun waking me up. this led to an extreme light sensitivity. after moving out of that apartment it was difficult to get my usual eight hours. okay ten.

when i arrived in estonia each day was progressively shorter. the fact that i don't even have a door on my bedroom wasn't an issue. until now. the days are getting longer and the sun is creeping through my curtains earlier each day. i never anticipated that light would be an issue, especially after months of longing for it, but this has got to stop. i'm not the only one. no, there are others. those who purchased sun lamps in winter are now putting up their blackout curtains. it seems that light, or lack thereof, is a constant issue in estonia.

now, to illustrate i have some photos for you to compare. one was taken at 10pm, the other at 3am. can you tell which is which?

pretty tough to tell huh?


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