the more time i spend in tallinn, the more there seems to be going on every night of the week. which is great fun but not the best environment for getting any work done. lately i've seen a few local/regional bands that blew me away. last weekend it was eriti kurva muusika ansambel (especially sad music ensemble), the sax player, kalle klein, also works at kunsiakadeemia (the estonian academy of art). the ensemble is composed of two upright bass, two violin, one flute, one sax, and a mad conductor/lead singer who violently spews poetry. the experience was overwhelming because the music is so charged and delivered in estonian. a language that i may never be able to learn but that is so beautiful when spoken and especially when sung i'll keep trying. last night i saw joona toivanen trio, an extremely talented finnish group composed of piano, upright bass, and drums. the venue, jazzklubi teater NO99, hosts jazz groups every friday and saturday night with a student ticket price of 40 kroons (about $3) so cheap for two and a half hours of live music and a great way to spend friday night with a few friends.
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